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I'm here!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

So, last time I wrote I was on my way to L.A. And, after being in the crowd on the Jay Leno Show, watching the Angels win and the Dodgers lose, and going to the Richard Nixon Presidential Library (basically a museum dedicated to Nixon. Presidential libraries are located where ever the former president was born and were started with Herbert Hoover), I had to take my dad to the airport and say goodbye. I never have looked at this move to L.A. as being a big one, just another opportunity in life that I would regret if not pursued. But after seeing the emotion in my dad's eyes before he left to catch his flight, I finally realized that this move was a lot larger than I had given it credit for. With that said, I have a responsibility to seize each day the best I possibly can.

Right now, I am typing this update at my buddy Joseph's friend's apartment. Joseph currently "lives" in Newport Beach (45 min. south of LA), but usually stays with friends living around L.A. during the week since he's getting more work up there. As of now, I'm tagging along with him until I find an apartment of my own (I'll be moving in with Joe no later than January). Besides finding a temporary apartment, I am setting up meetings with my agent, my dad's friend's nephew who is a producer out here, and any other contact who will agree to meet with me to talk about the business. I'm also looking into acting/scriptwriting classes, potential social justice theater leads, and substitute teaching out here. Well, before I go to a local sports bar this evening to watch the Vikings destroy the Packers on national TV (and find a spot to watch the Twins tomorrow- I can't believe they might pull this off!), I gotta get going on all the above. After all, that is what I'm here for, right? (Right!)


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